The Wind

A journal for curious minds

Navigating the Wellness Wilderness: A Guide to Alternative Therapies
Laura Wright Quintanar, MS, LPC-S, RYT 200 Laura Wright Quintanar, MS, LPC-S, RYT 200

Navigating the Wellness Wilderness: A Guide to Alternative Therapies

In the vast realm of health and wellness, many approaches claim to be the ultimate solution. However, what if the key to a truly fulfilling life lies not in quick fixes, but in a deeper exploration of self-discovery? Join us on a transformative journey as we delve into practical and accessible wellness practices designed just for you. Together, we'll navigate the intricate landscape of wellness, uncovering paths that genuinely resonate with your unique journey.

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Yoga Pose of the Month: Prasarita Padottanasana
Laura Wright Quintanar, MS, LPC-S, RYT 200 Laura Wright Quintanar, MS, LPC-S, RYT 200

Yoga Pose of the Month: Prasarita Padottanasana

Prasarita Padottanasana. Wide-Legged Forward Fold…another one of my go to poses! Relieve stress, balance your energy and wake up your mind with this feel good Yoga asana. Enjoy!

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Simhasana: Lion’s Breath for Stress Relief
Laura Wright Quintanar, MS, LPC-S, RYT 200 Laura Wright Quintanar, MS, LPC-S, RYT 200

Simhasana: Lion’s Breath for Stress Relief

Get ready for this one! Lion’s breath, one of my favorites, y’all! Simple, empowering, releasing. Roll those shoulders down, open up through your heart center, breathe in then exhale with a “HAAAAAH” as your tongue reaches towards your chin. Give it a try and let me know how it goes!

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Yoga Pose of the Month: Garundasana
Laura Wright Quintanar, MS, LPC-S, RYT 200 Laura Wright Quintanar, MS, LPC-S, RYT 200

Yoga Pose of the Month: Garundasana

Laura Wright, MS, LPC-S, RYT 200 shared a Yoga Asana for helping you move through December feeling balanced, regulated and open to connect. Eagle pose is broken down into bite size steps with modifications available for all levels. Feel free to explore and share your experience on

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