31 Days of Wellness Challenge

October is my birthday month, and I love to celebrate…..I also love a good challenge. I invite you all to join the UnEarthed 31 Days of Wellness Challenge! I’m sharing some of my most life-changing wellness practices that continue to guide my healing journey today.

Follow along each day to explore a different wellness practice. Click on the current day to get more info on approaching the practice and a little story! Take what you need, leave what you don’t.

This offering is free and available to everyone! Please feel free to share your experiences with me, and let me know if you have any questions. Enjoy!

Click here, or directly on the picture, to get the LIVE calendar and follow along daily. If you are just now joining, cool! You can start with today OR go back to day one and click on the link to learn how to use the practice in your own life and a little about my journey.


Keeping It Safe, Keeping It Real, Keeping Cameras Out of Yoga Practice


Yoga Pose of the Month: Prasarita Padottanasana