Free Wellness Material

  • Felt Sense Vocabulary

    Felt Sense Vocabulary

    The felt sense is a physical experience, a knowing that is present even before we are aware or have words to describe it.

  • Coping Skills for distress tolerance


    The practice of inviting our mind + body to attune to sensations of safety. These can teach our nervous system that it can experience distress and then come back to a state of regulation.

  • Parenting Support and Coaching

    Peace in Parenting

    Yes, it is possible! Let’s explore how to create intentionality around parenting and building healthy, strong families.

  • Yoga in everyday life

    Taking Yoga Off The Mat

    Yoga is so much more than Tree Pose. Explore how to take the principles of yoga off the mat and into your everyday experiences.

  • Recognizing Symptoms of Trauma

    Recognizing Trauma

    Understand the signs and symptoms that are commonly experienced after a traumatic experience(s).