Everything Is Connected to Everything Else


UnEarthed Advocacy and Activism

On being a true holistic healing practitioner: Our mental health cannot be reduced to a single narrative. We are way more complex and dynamic than we realize. When we explore the biological, relational, personal, spiritual, and societal factors that co-create our emotional and mental wellbeing, we open up to a deeper holistic healing.

Sacred activism recognizes that our individual human journeys are intertwined with all of humanity, and our actions hold the power to create positive change far beyond our immediate experience. Through sacred activism, we embrace the unity of all beings. Engaging in activism and advocacy and awareness intends to alleviate the suffering of others in balance with nurturing a sense of meaning and wellness within ourselves. This is holistic therapy. In a society that frequently celebrates individualism, adopting sacred activism requires a significant shift in mindset and a dedication to living as an essential part of a broader system…..the natural world.

If you feel a curiosity, please explore the content on the page and perhaps allow it to guide you to explore how our world is influencing your everyday life.

We are all interconnected in this journey of life. Our actions ripple out far beyond ourselves, shaping the world we inhabit. The world we inhabit also shapes our minds and our bodies. This is the essence of Eco-Psychology. Eco-psychology teaches us to understand ourselves and the world around us better, to recognize that nature is not something separate from us, but that we, too, are part of "nature." By shifting our relationship with our environment, and using the natural world as an ally rather than something to conquer, we also shift the relationship with our innermost selves.

Interested in what’s going on in the world of activism and advocacy? I have compiled some local resources for you to explore and additional sources to spark your curiosity.

Follow Your Curiosity

  • Fort Worth Environmental Coalition of Communities

  • Fort Worth Nature Center and Refuge

  • Food and Social Justice

When one tugs on a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world

— John Muir

My journey as an advocate began when I entered this crazy beautiful world. Growing up, I was often labeled as the "overly emotional" and kid among my family and peers. It was only later in my life that I learned there is a label for people like me. I am what social psychologists now refer to as a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) and an Empath. If you're reading this, chances are you might be one too! This deep connection with everything and everyone can feel like a rollercoaster ride, and embracing the HSP superpower (which sometimes feels like a super curse!) is an ongoing journey.

This path as a deep feeler has consistently led me to advocate for humans, animals, and the environment. I strive to be a voice for the voiceless, challenge current cultural norms, and shine a light in those dark places that we tend to avoid. By using compassion, empathy, and intuition to guide my actions, my goal is to inspire a change in how we perceive and interact.

I love hearing from our community about what you’re bringing to the world. I appreciate your ideas on how things can improve and any suggestions on how UnEarthed can suppors wellness. Please reach ’. Please reach out to connect, all you change-makers and trailblazers!