Everything Is Connected to Everything Else
UnEarthed Advocacy and Activism
On being a true holistic healing practitioner: Our mental health cannot be reduced to a single narrative. We are way more complex and dynamic than we realize. We open up to more profound holistic healing by exploring the biological, relational, personal, spiritual, and societal factors that co-create our emotional and mental well-being.
Sacred activism acknowledges that our individual journeys are connected to all of humanity, and our actions can inspire change beyond our immediate surroundings. By practicing sacred activism, we embrace the unity of all beings. Our activism, advocacy, and awareness aim to reduce the suffering of others while fostering our own sense of meaning and wellness, embodying holistic therapy. In a society that often emphasizes individualism, embracing sacred activism requires a mindset shift and a commitment to understanding that you are a vital part of the broader natural world.
We are all interconnected in this journey of life. Our actions ripple out far beyond ourselves, shaping the world we inhabit. The world we inhabit also shapes our minds and our bodies. This is the essence of Eco-Psychology. Eco-psychology teaches us to understand ourselves and the world around us better, to recognize that nature is not something separate from us, but that we, too, are part of "nature." By shifting our relationship with our environment, and using the natural world as an ally rather than something to conquer, we also shift the relationship with our innermost selves.
Interested in what’s going on in the world of activism and advocacy? I have compiled some local resources for you to explore and additional sources to spark your curiosity.
Follow Your Curiosity
The Zend: Final Farm and Sanctuary
Rowdy Girl Sanctuary
Food Revolution Network
Bob Jones Nature Preserve
Eco Cinema
Cloven Heart Farm
Fort Worth Environmental Coalition of Communities
Fort Worth Nature Center and Refuge
Food and Social Justice
When one tugs on a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world
— John Muir
My journey as an advocate started right from the moment I was born. Growing up, I was often seen as the "overly emotional" and "shy” kid in my family. Eventually, I found out that there is actually a word for people like me….a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)—an Empath. If you're reading this right now, chances are that you might be one too! This deep connection to everything and everyone can really feel like a wild ride, and embracing the HSP "superpower"—which sometimes feels more like a curse—is an ongoing journey.
As an HSP, I’ve always advocated for the things that typically go unnoticed. I aim to be a voice for those who can’t speak up, to challenge the cultural norms we often accept, and to bring attention to the issues we like to ignore. By connecting with compassion, curiosity, and a little intuition to guide what I do, I hope to inspire a change in how we view and connect with each other and the world.
I love hearing about what world-changers and trailblazers are bringing to the world, and I appreciate ideas on improving how UnEarthed can support wellness in our community. Please feel free to reach out and connect!